March 28, 2014

Currently: March baby please!

The Deal: I'm linking up with Ot and Et and Harvesting Kale to share my week by their weekly themes!

This Week: facing, snapping, counting, loving, hopping

I'm FACING the last couple weeks (wishing days) of this pregnancy! It's been an unforgettable and interesting ride but I'm staring it in the face now, I want out!

I'm SNAPPING... more like complaining to Nate about how uncomfortable and huge I'm feeling. The snapping comes in when he laughs at how bizarre it is to see me this huge, it honestly does make us both laugh at the end of the day. Continued in loving...
I should start HOPPING around if I want this baby in March! 

I'm COUNTING the days and hours even though it might be weeks. We were hoping for a March baby but we're definitely not counting on it...if only we were so lucky! April has just never been one of those sought out months, like "Oh, it's just April..." whereas March has always been an important month for my family; my birthday, my mom's birthday, both of my sister-in-law's birthdays and even my great grandmother's birthday. At least Baby S will be an Aries as well...she better be any way. If she goes past the Aries mark that's almost another 3 weeks away! 

I'm LOVING the laughs we have about these last couple weeks. My butt looks nonexistent since my belly is so big now, I mean...most of society assumes I'm having twins. I roll out of bed in a way that looks like a little flip so I can land on my feet, thank you gymnastics skills. I have uncontrolled burps and farts... which are always funny. Nate makes me laugh to pee my pants and I"m pretty sure he tries to do this on purpose now. The real treat is the weight my vagina has gained, like it's carrying a baby too. I'm closer to knowing what it feels like to be a man with less space between your legs.

should start HOPPING around if I want this baby in March!

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