March 13, 2014

Currently (link up)

The Deal: I'm linking up with Ot and Et and Harvesting Kale to share my week by her weekly themes!

This Week: hoping, wondering, working, wearing, eating

I'm HOPING I don't get transferred out of my birthing center. When I say that, it sounds like I'm being expelled from school, which is what it sort of feels like. Since my 20th week I've had low hemoglobin blood levels on top of taking iron supplements and by law with a birthing center I had to go see a Dr. to have more testing. My midwives work closely with this Dr. because he supports midwifery and the more holistic choices we like to make. Usually the culprit of low hemoglobin levels is anemia, low iron; in my case this test came back normal. That sounded like good news but now we're left on a goose-chase to see what my issue is because my hemoglobin levels still aren't increasing enough. We have two weeks to get those puppies up so now I'm seeing a Hemoglobin specialist.

I'm WONDERING what our little mini is going to look like, if she'll take after me or Nate, or a combo. All we know is she'll be a European-Cherokee Indian mix. I'm mostly made up of Irish, Scotch-Irish, British and Cherokee Indian and Nate's mostly Polish. 

I'm WORKING one more week until I take my maternity leave! I'll be in my 37-38th week of pregnancy (since I've been playing with two dates) so I wanted to have a couple weeks to prepare myself, the house and my lady parts for the natural birth that's in place. My first day off will also be my birthday, my official late 20's, the big 2-8. This is the first year I feel like I'm getting older, I've never said anything silly like "OH EM GEE I'm getting so old, I'm not telling how old I'm turning!". Maybe it's this baby growing inside of me that's making me feel like an adult but in general I still feel like 28 is still so young! 

I'm WEARING an extra 40 pounds. It's still so crazy how 'okay' I feel about gaining all this weight, it's like when movie stars have to gain weight for a role and we all say, "I wish I had to gain weight and it would be okay" Well, this is my time and it's been awesome :)

This is what my 40 lbs looks like :) #NotAshamed
36 weeks vs. 14 weeks

I'm EATING like a cave woman. Since my blood levels are low and we thought it was because of my iron, I've been trying to eat a lot more meat, beans and iron rich green foods. I'm still taking iron supplements as well, just in case. I also never say no to chocolate, even when I'm not hungry. 

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