December 31, 2013

26 Weeks

Due date: April 8, 2014
How far along? 26 Weeks 
What fruit are you? A head of lettuce and as long as a scallion
Total weight gain/loss25 lbs. I've done it. I've successfully done everything I said I wouldn't do while pregnant and this blog post is happening during this 48 hour realization. I admit I haven't said no to any cookie that's been offered but when you watch what you eat your ENTIRE life (except those 15 lbs in college...) being pregnant has been my biggest excuse! I'm really starting to feel look like the fat pregnant girl and my anxiety is kicking in, here's some moments that have happened this past week...

  • I'm 2 lbs from weighing the same as Nate. I have more of an interest in the clothes he buys and I've created a whole new meaning to the 'boyfriend look'.
  • At my 25 wk appt last Friday the nurse told me to weigh myself while she got my file together, when I told her I was 148 she looked at my weight from my last visit at 21 weeks (138) and said, "no that means you gained 10 lbs, that can't be right, go do it again".
  • Our scale at home is so confused, I constantly have to tell it it's really me.
  • I have a fat girl belly laugh. A legit belly laugh that comes straight from my gut like a baby laughs. It's not sexy.
  • The other night Nate and I were watching TV and sitting on our computers and I went into the kitchen to grab a note pad to make one of my many to-do lists and I came back with a slice of cheesecake (My sister-in-law makes the best and this time is was cherry with chocolate chips in the cheesecake part!). Nate wasn't paying attention until I had a mouth full and looked at him (realized what I did) while I tried to say, "oh my god" while simultaneously laughing at myself. Nate just stared at me ... like I was a fat girl eating cheesecake... and he just said "Linds...". Then I proceeded to pee my pjs as I ran to the bathroom because I was laughing so hard.
  • I'm a chronic pee-holder...and now that I have to pee so often I'll pee my pants if Nate makes me laugh too hard. No amount of kegels can help this... I can barely feel my vagina with all this belly pressure!
  • I constantly bite the inside of my cheeks when I eat because they're clearly larger than normal...
Maternity clothes? Nate's T-Shirts, I mean we are the same size now. The essentials are Jcrew Pixie pantsMatchstick jeans and maternity tees and tanks.
Stretch marks? No...
Sleep: I got so much sleep during this holiday break, it was great!
Miss Anything? I wish I could twist my body to crack my back.
Exercise: No yoga last week, neighborhood dog walks and I'm still waiting on my bike...
Movement: All the time and stronger; I can literally see big kicks out of my peripheral!
Food cravings: Clearly all the bad stuff...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Lil' Miss
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Still technically an inny... and it's a lot easier to clean now :)
Happy or Moody: Calm but definitely moody about my fat-ness. 10 lbs in one month!? 
Looking forward to: New Years Eve with our friends and my first chiropractor appt. on Saturday! This will be the same person that will be at the birth to adjust my uterus and checks our mini's alignment after her vagina canal journey :)
Best moments this week: Christmas, family time, friend time and a much needed stay-cation!
Christmas morning at my parents house
My belly buds I got for little mini!

Nate, my brother & Templeton Christmas Eve canoeing on the river

My parents, 3 brothers, 2 sister-in-laws and my love on Christmas. 
It's been 5 years since all the kids have been together!

Celebrating my friend Amy's 30th birthday! 

December 24, 2013

25 Weeks

Due date: April 8, 2014
How far along? 25 Weeks 
What fruit are you? Size of a rutabaga 
Total weight gain/loss: 25 lbs ... I'm really starting to feel the pounds. I bit the inside of my mouth twice already because my cheeks are puffy :( I have elephantitis on my left leg too. Signs of the 3rd tri!
Maternity clothes? The only clothes I can wear now. There's too many to name at this point but the essentials are the Tummy TubeJcrew Pixie pants and Matchstick jeans
Stretch marks? No...
Sleep: Can't get enough
Miss Anything? I'll miss drinking through our marathon of opening presents :(
Exercise: Yoga and I should get my Linus Mixte 3 bicycle today :)
Movement: All the time and all over the place; I'm starting to feel her a lot in my lower pelvic area but no tumbles yet. 
Food cravings: All sweets. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Daughter :) 
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? I can't believe it's still technically in!
Happy or Moody: Not so calm any more... maybe it's the holidays and trying to host like I'm not 25lbs heavier? 
Looking forward to: Hosting Christmas Eve dinner and then CHRISTMAS at Fran & Walt's (parents)!
Best moments this week: Christmas parties, gift exchange, seeing It's A Wonderful Life at the Tampa Theatre and today starts my holiday vaca!
I finished wrapping all of our presents! This is what I mean when I say 'marathon of opening presents',  this is just our portion for 9 people :) WE LOVE CHRISTMAS!

December 22, 2013

Holiday Bucket List Update & My White Elephant Gift!

I only a few more items to check off our list ... it may take more than 25 days so I'm renaming it "31 Days of the Holidays Bucket List" (new rule.)

*Green means accomplished! 
25. Buy a Christmas tree from our annual tree farm and hang decorations the first weekend of December
24. Cut fresh trimmings from the tree and place in vases, trim a slice from the trunk to make a yearly ornament and do this trick. (after a long day and getting the tree home at 9pm we did not do this I don't know if it really works?)
23. Send Christmas cards the first week of December & find a new way to display the ones we receive like this
22. Hang and keep up with the days on the advent calendar
21. Actually do holiday crafts I’ve pinned like these tagsprevious year holiday card saver (yes I keep them for some reason…), snow globes  Santa bottles and these holiday lanterns. Instead of snow globes I made these bottles into Santa.
20. Make a Christmas wreath for the front door and add these glittered bulbs. 
(I used glittered pine cones but I still made the glittered bulbs)
19. Buy a gift for an “Angel Tree”
18. Have a date night, drink mock/cocktails & watch Love Actually (we've watched quite a few movies but not this one yet...)
17. Per usual, I will open my Granny’s homemade dessert package before Christmas day to indulge (I made a stop at my mom's and already had the peanut butter and ritz cracker dipped in white chocolate. I know, you would too.)
16. Relax and sit so little mini can listen to Christmas music on the record player (we do this all the time!)
15. RSVP “YES” to as many holiday party invites we receive before we have to worry about babysitters!
13. Make Christmas treats for the local Firefighters (I still need to make treats...)
12. See a classic holiday movie at the historic Tampa Theatre (Today!! It's a Wonderful Life!)
11. Make treats for neighbors, co-workers & friends.
10. As an annual tradition, go see The Nutcracker ballet with my mom
9. Have a white elephant gift exchange and holiday potluck with friends (photos below!!)
8. Watch The Christmas Story and leave the TV 24 hr run in the background during our marathon of opening presents ( I heard on NPR that Elf is going to take the 24 hr spot??)
7. Find a 2013 Christmas ornament and a ‘coming soon’ ornament for little mini
6. Host a get together after the holidays with friends and family that are in town and roast s’mores by the fire (Happening on the 27th!)
5. Go annual Christmas shopping with my mom to enjoy the hustle & bustle!
4. Start at least one tradition with Nate like these. (we made a new one up but haven't taken a photo yet because the image is part of the tradition)
3. Host Christmas Eve dinner with the family that’s in town (Rib Roast planned!)
2. Go on our annual Christmas Eve walk around the neighborhood with the dogs to look at lights (planned!)
1. Have a relaxing, slow moving and memorable Christmas holiday with my family (can't wait!!)
My White Elephant Gift, Hot Booties!

Our gift to everyone at our gift exchange - my grandmother crochets so I requested dish cloths :)

Candid proof of my 25lb weight gain!!

We played a dice game for the gift exchange 

My favorite gift of the evening, one of our friends, Angus as Mr. January! 

Our family of friends :)

December 17, 2013

24 Weeks

(Per usual, Carli is by my side)

Due date: April 8, 2014
How far along? 24 Weeks 
What fruit are you? Size of an ear of corn
Total weight gain/loss: 20 lbs ... I told the scale the truth that it was really me gaining weight (see last weeks post); now every time I step on it asks. I'm definitely ones of those girls that's going to gain too much weight!
Maternity clothes? Since last week I outgrew most of my tops and my regular jeans are a tad snug on the thunder thighs. There's too many to name at this point but the essentials are the Tummy TubeJcrew Pixie pants and Matchstick jeans
Stretch marks? No... but if I eat too much my tummy physically feels like it's stretching and hurts!
Sleep: Nothing makes me sleep better than a night of prenatal yoga
Miss Anything? whiskey cocktails and champagne
Exercise: Yoga and waiting on my Linus Mixte 3 bicycle... soon :)
Movement: All the time and all over the place; I'm starting to feel her a lot in my lower pelvic area. 
Food cravings: Forever and always, dark chocolate, anything with caramel and peanut butter cups. Maybe this is where those extra LBs are coming from ... said the fat girl. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Little Minnie :) 
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Tiny, flattening Inny
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Looking forward to: This work week going by fast because we're hosting a Gift exchange and Christmas Vacation Drinking Game party and one of 3 brothers gets in town!!
Best moments this week: Christmas parties, art show and Annual Christmas shopping with mommy! (bucket list, check!) Pregnancy brain highlight of the weekend: At 5pm in the mall, after a long day of shopping, I realized I only put one earring on :)
Christmas Party!

Art show purchase for the nursery! This quote from Emerson makes sense to us because if we were having a boy the name was going to be Emerson after this philosopher (Nate's favorite).

December 10, 2013

23 Weeks

Due date: April 8, 2014
How far along? 23 Weeks 
What fruit are you? Large Mango and over 1 lb
Total weight gain/loss: 17 lbs, I've officially surpassed my freshman 15 college days and our scale this morning just asked if I was Nate or Lindsay...
Maternity clothes? Yes! The Tummy Tube with regular jeans and loving my Jcrew Pixie pants and Matchstick jeans.
Stretch marks? No...
Sleep: Pretty well with the Bump pillow and Lavender neck pillow!
Miss Anything? Fancy holiday drinks & a real Buddy Brew coffee!
Exercise: Yoga and still waiting on my Linus Dutchi 3 bicycle 
Movement: All the time and all over the place; I'm starting to feel her a lot in my lower pelvic area. 
Food cravings: Sweets! I still look forward to gelato every night... 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Madame :) 
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Still a small, flattening Inny
Happy or Moody: Happy! 
Looking forward to: The weekend! Holiday parties, shopping, art show and more crafts :)
Best moments this week: I filled Templeton's water bowl and started walking it back to the bedroom forgetting what i was doing. The Nutcracker and lunch at the theatre with my mom!
2012 vs. 2013
(I like blue :) My dress this year is from Old Navy's maternity line but currently out of stock)

December 7, 2013

Christmas Bucket List Update with Easy DIY Crafts!

If Santa's checking his world-wide list twice I should be able to pull off 25 from my list.. I think I'm off to a good start!

*Green means accomplished! 
25. Buy a Christmas tree from our annual tree farm and hang decorations the first weekend of December

24. Cut fresh trimmings from the tree and place in vases, trim a slice from the trunk to make a yearly ornament and do this trick. (after a long day and getting the tree home at 9pm we did not do this I don't know if it really works?)
23. Send Christmas cards the first week of December & find a new way to display the ones we receive like this
22. Hang and keep up with the days on the advent calendar

21. Actually do holiday crafts I’ve pinned like these tagsprevious year holiday card saver (yes I keep them for some reason…), snow globes  and these holiday lanterns
(still collecting jars for the globes and lanterns). To make the glittered clothes pins and bulbs just cover with mod podge and add glitter!
Holiday Lanterns

20. Make a Christmas wreath for the front door and add these glittered bulbs. 
(I used glittered pine cones but I still made the glittered bulbs)
19. Buy a gift for an “Angel Tree”
18. Have a date night, drink mock/cocktails & watch Love Actually
17. Per usual, I will open my Granny’s homemade dessert package before Christmas day to indulge
16. Relax and sit so little mini can listen to Christmas music on the record player
15. RSVP “YES” to as many holiday party invites we receive before we have to worry about babysitters! (The RSVPs are in so now we just hope we have the energy to attend)
14. Play the Christmas Vacation drinking game (milk shots for me)
13. Make Christmas treats for the local Firefighters
12. See a classic holiday movie at the historic Tampa Theatre
11. Make treats for neighbors, co-workers & friends.
10. As an annual tradition, go see The Nutcracker ballet with my mom (On Sunday!)
9. Have a white elephant gift exchange and holiday potluck with friends
8. Watch The Christmas Story and leave the TV 24 hr run in the background during our marathon of opening presents
7. Find a 2013 Christmas ornament and a ‘coming soon’ ornament for little mini
6. Host a get together after the holidays with friends and family that are in town and roast s’mores by the fire
5. Go annual Christmas shopping with my mom to enjoy the hustle & bustle!
4. Start at least one tradition with Nate like these.
3. Host Christmas Eve dinner with the family that’s in town
2. Go on our annual Christmas Eve walk around the neighborhood with the dogs to look at lights
1. Have a relaxing, slow moving and memorable Christmas holiday with my family

December 3, 2013

22 Weeks & 1st Nursery Purchases

Carli follows me everywhere :)

Due date: April 8, 2014
How far along? 22 Weeks 
What fruit are you? Spaghetti Squash and 12 to 16 ounces (We're measuring on schedule again)
Total weight gain/loss: 14 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes. The Tummy TubeJcrew Pixie pants are ordered, holiday outfits from Gap and my first pair of maternity jeans which I'm returning. Right now I still prefer leggings and the tummy tube with my own jeans. That British pudge has kicked in so the booty and boobies have grown and larger undergarments are now in rotation :) 
Stretch marks? No but I'm seeing the start of varicose veins on my shin! Ahhh. Old Woman.
Sleep: Loved sleeping in during the holiday break! I'm sleeping better after a couple acupuncture sessions for my sciatica and also falling asleep with this pillow!
Miss Anything? Fancy drinks during Thanksgiving & a real Buddy Brew coffee! :( 
Getting measured for my new bicycle :)
Exercise: Walking the dogs and soon to be bike riding on my new Linus Dutchi 3 bicycle Nate bought me as a late anniversary gift!! I'll post it on the social medias as soon as we're able to pick it up :) 
Movement: I'm pretty sure I've felt her all weekend unless we're both having gas. Tacos, beans and rice were had this weekend...
Food cravings: Sweets! I've never been an ice cream eater even when Nate buys it (he eats it like he's pregnant) but I eat it almost every night now with whipped cream and chocolate syrup :) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Lady :)
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? It's looking real tiny and barely has a hole but it's still an inny
Happy or Moody: So calm but the princess-syndrome can come out when I'm hungry.
Looking forward to: Christmas parties starting this weekend and seeing The Nutcracker with my mom (Bucket List -- check!)
Best moments this week: Thanksgiving, Sleeping, Small Business Saturday shopping, Christmas decorating and choosing a theme for the nursery!

While we were shopping at our favorite local shops this past Saturday we found a couple pieces at a vintage shop, Yesterdazed. These were officially our first baby purchases, a stool/chair that Nate use to have as a little kid and a cute Norman Rockwell piece. I LOVE Norman Rockwell and after visiting the museum as a kid my parents bought me my first piece; its followed me to college and in my (our) bedroom today. SO, our 'theme' for the nursery is going to be vintage items of our favorite childhood memories. The walls will be (of course) a very light grey with white accents and filled with our awesome memories of vintage items, pictures and useful things.

Topping the tree off with the star!

December 1, 2013

25 Days of Christmas Bucket List & Thanksgiving Holiday Festivities

Now that Thanksgiving has passed the Holidays are sadly half-way over but I accomplished the majority of my house decorating checklist over the weekend so I can enjoy the rest of the holiday season (mostly) stress free. This included the creation of my 25 Days of Christmas Bucket List. This is the first year I've generated this list and as a checklist enthusiast I'm so happy I feel organized about all the things I didn't want to forget to do this month!

25. Buy a Christmas tree from our annual tree farm and hang decorations the first weekend of December
24. Cut fresh trimmings from the tree and place in vases, trim a slice from the trunk to make a yearly ornament and do this trick.
23. Send Christmas cards the first week of December & find a new way to display the ones we receive like this
22. Hang and keep up with the advent calendar
21. Actually do holiday crafts I’ve pinned like these tags, previous year holiday card saver (yes I keep them for some reason…), snow globes and these holiday lanterns.
20. Make a Christmas wreath for the front door and add these glittered bulbs
19. Buy a gift for an “Angel Tree”
18. Have a date night, drink mock/cocktails & watch Love Actually
17. Per usual, I will open my Granny’s homemade dessert package before Christmas day to indulge
16. Relax and sit so little mini can listen to Christmas music on the record player
15. RSVP “YES” to as many holiday party invites we receive before we have to worry about babysitters!
14. Play the Christmas Vacation drinking game (milk shots for me)
13. Make Christmas treats for the local Firefighters
12. See a classic holiday movie at the historic Tampa Theatre
11. Make treats for neighbors, co-workers & friends.
10. As an annual tradition, go see The Nutcracker ballet with my mom
9. Have a white elephant gift exchange and holiday potluck with friends
8. Watch The Christmas Story and leave the TV 24 hr run in the background during our marathon of opening presents
7. Find a 2013 Christmas ornament and a ‘coming soon’ ornament for little mini
6. Host a get together after the holidays with friends and family that are in town and roast s’mores by the fire
5. Go annual Christmas shopping with my mom to enjoy the hustle & bustle!
4. Start at least one tradition with Nate like these.
3. Host Christmas Eve dinner with the family that’s in town
2. Go on our annual Christmas Eve walk around the neighborhood with the dogs to look at lights
1. Have a relaxing, slow moving and memorable Christmas holiday with my family

Thanksgiving was quiet and relaxing for Nate and I this year, we went to my parents house with the dogs and hung out with my mom all day. My dad came back from Kuwait (presenting a paper) around 6 so we waited to eat at the regular dinner time, then he went to bed and it was the 3 (4) of us again :) Our day was filled with watching the parade, playing with the dogs outside and playing our usual game of scrabble. 

Carli was busy chasing/catching lizards

Templeton went for a swim & Carli feels like she needs to save him...

We didn't go Black Friday shopping but we did do Small Business Saturday. Our neighborhood, Seminole Heights, had a shop small 'bingo' shopping event and you had to visit at least six shops to submit your bingo card to be entered into the raffle. We haven't received a phone call so I assume neither of us won...
Our Saturday local shopping included CleanseHealth MuttBuddy BrewMicrogrooveVelo Champ and Yesterdaze. I'll share some of our goodies on my 22 Weeks post!